AS 2464.5-1985 Methods of testing thermal insulation - Method 5: Steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of the heat flow meter

AS 2464.5-1985
Valid from

Information provider
Intertek Inform,
Standards Australia
Information type
Australian Standard,


This standard sets out a method for determining the steady-state thermal transmission properties of thermal insulation materials within the limits set by Clause 5, by means of a heat flow meter.



  1. This is a secondary or comparative method for measuring the thermal transmission properties of specimen(s), since only the ratio of the thermal resistance of the specimen(s) to that of a standard specimen(s) is measured. The thermal resistances of the standard specimens must be determined in accordance with AS 2464.6.
  2. For purposes of certification, this method is limited to specimens with thermal resistances greater than 0.10 m2.K/W in any direction.
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AS 2464.5-1985 Methods of testing thermal insulation - Method 5: Steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of the heat flow meter

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AS 2464.5-1985 Methods of testing thermal insulation - Method 5: Steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of the heat flow meter


This standard sets out a method for determining the steady-state thermal transmission properties of thermal insulation materials within the limits set by Clause 5, by means of a heat flow meter.

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AS 2464.5-1985 Methods of testing thermal insulation - Method 5: Steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of the heat flow meter

This standard sets out a method for determining the steady-state thermal transmission properties of thermal insulation materials within the limits set by Clause 5, by means of a heat flow meter.

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AS 2464.5-1985 Methods of testing thermal insulation - Method 5: Steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of the heat flow meter

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