Sizing up holes and notches - Build 163(2017)

Sizing up holes and notches
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BRANZ Limited,
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BUILD article,


Holes or notches are sometimes required in timber framing members, but they must be carefully located so they do not undermine structural integrity.

NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed buildings specifically identifies locations for holes and notches in joists, studs and plates but does not include rafters and ceiling joists. BRANZ suggests that the locations and restrictions for floor joists are also used for these members.

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Sizing up holes and notches - Build 163(2017)

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Sizing up holes and notches - Build 163(2017)


Holes or notches are sometimes required in timber framing members, but they must be carefully located so they do not undermine structural integrity.

NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed buildings specifically identifies locations for holes and notches in joists, studs and plates but does not include rafters and ceiling joists. BRANZ suggests that the locations and restrictions for floor joists are also used for these members.

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Sizing up holes and notches - Build 163(2017)

Holes or notches are sometimes required in timber framing members, but they must be carefully located so they do not undermine structural integrity.

NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed buildings specifically identifies locations for holes and notches in joists, studs and plates but does not include rafters and ceiling joists. BRANZ suggests that the locations and restrictions for floor joists are also used for these members.

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Sizing up holes and notches - Build 163(2017)

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