Online Education - Earthquake-prone buildings - Learning modules

Learning modules - Earthquake-prone buildings
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Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment,
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Information type
Online learning,


We all know New Zealand is a very earthquake-prone country.

The Earthquake-prone Buildings Methodology document is the key process for councils and engineers to identify, assess and make important decisions on potentially earthquake-prone buildings.

Building owners can also get a better understanding of how the EPB system affects them, and what options to consider if their building is found to be earthquake-prone.


The Earthquake-prone Buildings course consists of five learning modules:

1. Identify.

On this course you will learn the process of identifying potentially earthquake-prone buildings, using the EPB Methodology, including:

  • the profile categories and how to use them
  • identifying buildings as potentially earthquake-prone at any time
  • informing building owners that their building is potentially earthquake-prone.

2. Assess.

This course is a guide to Section 2 of the EPB methodology, which sets out the process for engineering assessments of potentially earthquake-prone buildings (EPBs). It focuses on:

  • legal requirements when assessing and reporting on EPBs
  • considering parts of buildings
  • engineering assessment reports and the assessment summary.

3. Decide.

On this course you will learn the process for making decisions about earthquake-prone buildings, including:

  • checking a new engineering assessment meets the criteria in the EPB methodology
  • recognising a previous assessment (prior to 1 July 2017)
  • using two tests to decide if the building is earthquake-prone
  • what happens when a building is classified as earthquake-prone

4. Apply.

On this course you will learn the process of identifying potentially earthquake-prone buildings, using the EPB Methodology, including:

  • the profile categories and how to use them
  • identifying buildings as potentially earthquake-prone at any time
  • informing building owners that their building is potentially earthquake-prone.

5. Building owners.

On this course you as a building owner, will be guided through the process to follow if the council tells you your building may be earthquake-prone, including:

  • a guide to the national EPB system including timeframes for seismic work
  • engaging an engineer to assess your building
  • steps the council can take if it is determined your building is deemed earthquake-prone
  • when extensions or exemptions apply
  • options to consider if your building is earthquake-prone
  • advice for owners of heritage buildings.  

Estimated completion time for each module is 30 minutes.

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Online Education - Earthquake-prone buildings - Learning modules

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Online Education - Earthquake-prone buildings - Learning modules


We all know New Zealand is a very earthquake-prone country.

The Earthquake-prone Buildings Methodology document is the key process for councils and engineers to identify, assess and make important decisions on potentially earthquake-prone buildings.

Building owners can also get a better understanding of how the EPB system affects them, and what options to consider if their building is found to be earthquake-prone.

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Online Education - Earthquake-prone buildings - Learning modules

We all know New Zealand is a very earthquake-prone country.

The Earthquake-prone Buildings Methodology document is the key process for councils and engineers to identify, assess and make important decisions on potentially earthquake-prone buildings.

Building owners can also get a better understanding of how the EPB system affects them, and what options to consider if their building is found to be earthquake-prone.

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Online Education - Earthquake-prone buildings - Learning modules

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