Hydrotech Membrane (MM6125) System

GM-CM30102 Rev D
Revision D
Valid from

Information provider
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment,
Global-Mark Pty Ltd
Information type
Product Certificate (CodeMark),


Hydrotech (MM6125) Membrane System (the system) is a monolithic membrane made from a formulation of refined asphalts and synthetic rubbers, and accessories.

The MM6125 is applied in two, 3 mm layers with a fabric reinforced layer sandwiched between these layers.

The system provides a flexible, seamless, self-healing monolithic membrane. The components of the system are
listed in section 9.


1. The system has been assessed as a waterproofing membrane solution for use in cold roof and deck assemblies, and protected membrane roof and deck (PMR) assemblies.

2. The system will resist the effects of wind uplift likely to occur in practice.

3. The system may be used on buildings within the following scope:

  • a). On new buildings or existing buildings in all exposure zones, excluding microclimates, as defined by NZS3604: 2011.
  • b). On reinforced concrete substrates with any pitch including zero pitch defined as less than 1:100/0.5°, gutter fall must be maintained at a minimum of 1:100/0.5°.
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Hydrotech Membrane (MM6125) System

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Hydrotech Membrane (MM6125) System


Hydrotech (MM6125) Membrane System (the system) is a monolithic membrane made from a formulation of refined asphalts and synthetic rubbers, and accessories.

The MM6125 is applied in two, 3 mm layers with a fabric reinforced layer sandwiched between these layers.

The system provides a flexible, seamless, self-healing monolithic membrane. The components of the system are
listed in section 9.

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Hydrotech Membrane (MM6125) System

Hydrotech (MM6125) Membrane System (the system) is a monolithic membrane made from a formulation of refined asphalts and synthetic rubbers, and accessories.

The MM6125 is applied in two, 3 mm layers with a fabric reinforced layer sandwiched between these layers.

The system provides a flexible, seamless, self-healing monolithic membrane. The components of the system are
listed in section 9.

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Hydrotech Membrane (MM6125) System

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