EN ISO 18279:2003 Brazing - Imperfections In Brazed Joints

EN ISO 18279:2003
Valid from

Information provider
Standards New Zealand,
European Standardization Organisations
Information type
European Standard,


This standard details a classification of imperfections that can occur in brazed joints. In addition guidance is provided on quality levels and suggested limits for imperfections are detailed.

BS EN ISO 18279:2003 is the official English language version of EN ISO 18279:2003. It is identical to ISO 18279:2003



For requirements not covered by this standard, reference is to be made to other sources, e.g. statutory regulations, codes of practice and technical delivery conditions.

No information is given on how imperfections are to be assessed in individual cases because this depends on the requirements for the particular brazed joint. These imperfections are not always detectable by the use of non-destructive testing alone. The standard covers only imperfections that can occur in connection with brazing without the effect of any additional service loads. Only the type, shape and position of such imperfections are covered; no indication is given of the conditions of occurrence or causes.

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EN ISO 18279:2003 Brazing - Imperfections In Brazed Joints

This document is CITED BY:

EN ISO 18279:2003 Brazing - Imperfections In Brazed Joints


This standard details a classification of imperfections that can occur in brazed joints. In addition guidance is provided on quality levels and suggested limits for imperfections are detailed.

BS EN ISO 18279:2003 is the official English language version of EN ISO 18279:2003. It is identical to ISO 18279:2003


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EN ISO 18279:2003 Brazing - Imperfections In Brazed Joints

This standard details a classification of imperfections that can occur in brazed joints. In addition guidance is provided on quality levels and suggested limits for imperfections are detailed.

BS EN ISO 18279:2003 is the official English language version of EN ISO 18279:2003. It is identical to ISO 18279:2003


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EN ISO 18279:2003 Brazing - Imperfections In Brazed Joints

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