Cutting concrete to install a drain - Build 202 (2024)

Cutting concrete to install a drain
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BRANZ Limited,
David Hindley
Information type
BUILD article,
Website, PDF,


When a concrete slab on ground for a new house is designed and poured, it should already include all the necessary provisions for drainage and other services.

Where an existing slab needs to be cut for a new waste pipe or drain to be installed, repairing the cut in the right way is crucial for the slab’s strength and resilience.

This article's advice may differ from what is required for a main drain or easement drainage beneath a slab. In these cases, the owner should seek specific engineering design advice and check the Building Consent Authority’s requirements before commencing work. Main drains may require sleeving and additional foundation work at the slab perimeter.


This article gives you 14 steps that will ensure a new drain is successfully installed into an existing concrete slab, and also:

  • Relevant Building Code clauses and standards
  • Involve an architect or engineer
  • The process (the practical 14 steps)
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Cutting concrete to install a drain - Build 202 (2024)

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Cutting concrete to install a drain - Build 202 (2024)


When a concrete slab on ground for a new house is designed and poured, it should already include all the necessary provisions for drainage and other services.

Where an existing slab needs to be cut for a new waste pipe or drain to be installed, repairing the cut in the right way is crucial for the slab’s strength and resilience.

This article's advice may differ from what is required for a main drain or easement drainage beneath a slab. In these cases, the owner should seek specific engineering design advice and check the Building Consent Authority’s requirements before commencing work. Main drains may require sleeving and additional foundation work at the slab perimeter.

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Cutting concrete to install a drain - Build 202 (2024)

When a concrete slab on ground for a new house is designed and poured, it should already include all the necessary provisions for drainage and other services.

Where an existing slab needs to be cut for a new waste pipe or drain to be installed, repairing the cut in the right way is crucial for the slab’s strength and resilience.

This article's advice may differ from what is required for a main drain or easement drainage beneath a slab. In these cases, the owner should seek specific engineering design advice and check the Building Consent Authority’s requirements before commencing work. Main drains may require sleeving and additional foundation work at the slab perimeter.

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Cutting concrete to install a drain - Build 202 (2024)

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