Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems AspirePanel & AspireSpan System

CMNZ30150 version A
Valid from

Information provider
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment,
Global-Mark Pty Ltd
Information type
Product Certificate (CodeMark),


The AspirePanel wall panels and AspireSpan roof panels are lightweight, thermally efficient wall and roof panels manufactured in New Zealand.

The panels have a polyisocyanurate (PIR) core sandwiched between 0.59 mm layers of galvanised and/or Zincalume steel and with a factory applied Colorsteel finish.

The colorsteel finish will depend on the specific exposure zone and use. The panels are supplied in 1,000 mm width, custom lengths and in thicknesses (mm) of 50, 75, 100 & 150. The thickness determines thermal performance and span capability.

The panels are supplied with a tongue and groove joint and a lapped corrugation on both edges. The facings are available in the following profiles: Flat smooth profile, Silkline, Mesa and Ribbed indented.

AspirePanel and AspireSpan by Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems may be used as insulated, fire-resistant, fully finished wall and roof panels for all buildings within the scope of limitations detailed below.


1. The Metalcraft AspirePanel and AspireSpan insulated panels are certified for use on buildings:

  • a. In all wind zones up to and including Extra High wind zone as defined in NZS3604:2011 for timber framed buildings, or extra high, as defined by NASH Building Envelope Solution:2019 for steel framed buildings, or a calculated wind design pressure (ULS) of no more than 2.5 kPa, and
  • b. In all Exposure Zones (except Microclimates) as defined in NZS 3604:2011 for timber framed buildings or in all Exposure Zones (except Microclimates) as defined in NASH Building Envelop Solution:2019 for steel framed buildings:
    • i. In exposure Zone C, Colorsteel Maxx or Endura may be specified, and
    • ii. In exposure Zone D, Colorsteel Maxx must be specified, and
  • c. Less than 10 metres in building height, and
  • d. In any proximity to any relevant boundary.

2. The Metalcraft AspirePanel insulated panels are certified for use as an Internal Wall or External Wall cladding on buildings:

  • a. In accordance with published AspirePanel load span tables (reference 23664-1, dated 23 April 2023), and
  • b. Where the building design requires the wall (external or internal) to be fire rated, a 200mm AspirePanel shall be specified, a Fire Resistance Rating (FRR) greater than ―/60/30 is beyond the scope of this certificate and shall be subject to Specific Engineering Design.

3. The Metalcraft AspireSpan insulated panels are certified for use as a roofing cladding on buildings:

  • a. In accordance with published AspireSpan load span tables (reference 23664-1, dated 23 April 2023), and
  • b. With a minimum roof pitch of 3⁰, and
  • c. With a snow loading of up to 1.0 kPa, and
  • d. With ceiling loadings not exceeding 0.25 kPa and services loadings not exceeding 0.3 kPa.

4. All fasteners and fixings shall be in accordance with NZS 3604:2011 Section 4 for timber framed buildings, or Table 20, Table 21 and Table 22 of NASH Building Envelope Solution:2019 for steel framed buildings.

5. The Metalcraft AspirePanel and AspireSpan insulated panels must be specified, installed and maintained in accordance with the following applicable technical literature:

  • a. AspirePanel Brochure May 2022
  • b. AspireSpan Brochure May 2022
  • c. AspirePanel & AspireSpan Load Span Tables (ref 23664-1) 23 April 2023
  • d. Specification Guide for Metalcraft SuPIRspan Panels Ver 1 – Nov 2019
  • e. AspirePanel – External Wall Details Rev 1.0 – 19 Dec 2022
  • f. AspireSpan – Commercial Roofing Details Rev 1.0 – 30 Jan 2023
  • g. AspireSpan – Residential Roofing Details Rev 1.0 – 30 Jan 2023
  • h. NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice Ver 3.0 – Mar 2023
  • i. Thermopanel EPS – Controlled Environment Details 2016

6. Joinery shall comply with NZS4211:2008.

7. The designer shall provide a signed declaration for submission with the building consent application that the use of this product in the proposed building work falls within the scope of this certificate and that all design conditions of this certificate have been met.

The installer shall supply a signed Declaration that the product has been installed in accordance with this certificate, for consideration for issuing a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC).

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Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems AspirePanel & AspireSpan System

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Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems AspirePanel & AspireSpan System


The AspirePanel wall panels and AspireSpan roof panels are lightweight, thermally efficient wall and roof panels manufactured in New Zealand.

The panels have a polyisocyanurate (PIR) core sandwiched between 0.59 mm layers of galvanised and/or Zincalume steel and with a factory applied Colorsteel finish.

The colorsteel finish will depend on the specific exposure zone and use. The panels are supplied in 1,000 mm width, custom lengths and in thicknesses (mm) of 50, 75, 100 & 150. The thickness determines thermal performance and span capability.

The panels are supplied with a tongue and groove joint and a lapped corrugation on both edges. The facings are available in the following profiles: Flat smooth profile, Silkline, Mesa and Ribbed indented.

AspirePanel and AspireSpan by Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems may be used as insulated, fire-resistant, fully finished wall and roof panels for all buildings within the scope of limitations detailed below.

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Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems AspirePanel & AspireSpan System

The AspirePanel wall panels and AspireSpan roof panels are lightweight, thermally efficient wall and roof panels manufactured in New Zealand.

The panels have a polyisocyanurate (PIR) core sandwiched between 0.59 mm layers of galvanised and/or Zincalume steel and with a factory applied Colorsteel finish.

The colorsteel finish will depend on the specific exposure zone and use. The panels are supplied in 1,000 mm width, custom lengths and in thicknesses (mm) of 50, 75, 100 & 150. The thickness determines thermal performance and span capability.

The panels are supplied with a tongue and groove joint and a lapped corrugation on both edges. The facings are available in the following profiles: Flat smooth profile, Silkline, Mesa and Ribbed indented.

AspirePanel and AspireSpan by Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems may be used as insulated, fire-resistant, fully finished wall and roof panels for all buildings within the scope of limitations detailed below.

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Metalcraft Insulated Panel Systems AspirePanel & AspireSpan System

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