Trufill Insulation System

CMNZ30144 version C
Valid from

Information provider
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment,
Global-Mark Pty Ltd
Information type
Product Certificate (CodeMark),


Trufill Insulation System is a loose-fill blow-in non-bonded granulated glasswool mineral fibre insulation system. It is blown on-site into building cavity spaces to a nominal density of between 12 kg/m3 and 32 kg/m3. When blown in cavities, the insulation is retained by a transparent Blown Insulation Barrier (BIB), over which the internal lining of the building is installed.

Trufill blow-in glasswool Insulation materials shall be Knauf Insulation Supafil Frame.

Trufill Insulation System is intended to be used in the cavities of framed walls, floors, skillion roofs and ceilings of truss and pitched roofs.


1. The Trufill Insulation System is certified for use in framed walls, floors, skillion roofs and ceilings of trussed and pitched roofs of buildings:

  • a. timber framed in accordance with NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed buildings; or,
  • b. steel-framed in accordance with NASH Building Envelope Solutions: 2019 and NASH Standard – Part 2: 2019; and,
  • c. where the framing members (studs, floor joists, rafters and ceiling battens) are at not greater than 600 mm centres.

2.  Rigid underlay shall be used where the Trufill Insulation System is installed in a wall where the ultimate limit state design wind pressure exceeds 2.5 kPa.

3. The Trufill Insulation System shall be:

  • a. specified into the building design in accordance with The Honest Solution to High Performance Insulation - Datasheet, Version 0223-24, thickness and density must be selected in accordance with section 12 below for the relevant Trufill Insulation System to achieve the designed R-value; and
  • b. installed in accordance with Trufill Installation Procedures Manual, 2024, Version: 1121-A at the designed thickness and density by a Safe-R Insulation accredited installer.

4. Establishing compliance with the performance criteria in Building Code clauses H1.3.1(a) and H1.3.2E shall be in accordance with either of the following:

  • a. Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 Fifth Edition Amendment 1, (4 August 2022) or Verification Method H1/VM1 Fifth Edition Amendment 1, (4 August 2022), for all housing and buildings up to 300 m2, or
  • b. Acceptable Solution H1/AS2 First Edition Amendment 1, (4 August 2022), or Verification Method H1/VM2 First Edition Amendment 1, (4 August 2022), for buildings greater than 300 m2.

5. Design, specification and installation of the Trufill Insulation System must comply with the requirements of:

  • a. AS/NZS 4859.1:2018 Thermal insulation materials for buildings – Part 1: General criteria and technical provisions, and
  • b. AS/NZS 4859.2:2018 Thermal insulation materials for buildings – Part 2: Design, and
  • c. NZS 4246:2016 Energy efficiency – Installing bulk thermal insulation in residential buildings.

6. Trufill Insulation materials must be stored under cover and in dry conditions.

7. Separation or protection shall be provided to Trufill Insulation System from heat sources such as fireplaces, heating appliances, flues, chimneys and non IC downlights. Refer to Part 7 of NZBC Acceptable Solutions C/AS1 Second Edition (2 November 2023) and C/AS2, amendment 3 (2 November 2023), and NZBC Verification Method C/VM1 Second Edition (2 November 2023).

8. Trufill Insulation material is non-combustible. Compliance with C3.7(a) will be achieved under the condition that all other building elements in which the insulation is installed are also non-combustible.

9. The designer shall provide a signed Declaration for submission with the building consent application that the use of this product in the proposed building work falls within the scope of this certificate and that all design conditions of this certificate have been met.

10. The installer shall supply a signed Declaration that the product has been installed in accordance with the installation conditions of this certificate, for consideration for issuing a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC).

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Trufill Insulation System

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Trufill Insulation System


Trufill Insulation System is a loose-fill blow-in non-bonded granulated glasswool mineral fibre insulation system. It is blown on-site into building cavity spaces to a nominal density of between 12 kg/m3 and 32 kg/m3. When blown in cavities, the insulation is retained by a transparent Blown Insulation Barrier (BIB), over which the internal lining of the building is installed.

Trufill blow-in glasswool Insulation materials shall be Knauf Insulation Supafil Frame.

Trufill Insulation System is intended to be used in the cavities of framed walls, floors, skillion roofs and ceilings of truss and pitched roofs.

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Trufill Insulation System

Trufill Insulation System is a loose-fill blow-in non-bonded granulated glasswool mineral fibre insulation system. It is blown on-site into building cavity spaces to a nominal density of between 12 kg/m3 and 32 kg/m3. When blown in cavities, the insulation is retained by a transparent Blown Insulation Barrier (BIB), over which the internal lining of the building is installed.

Trufill blow-in glasswool Insulation materials shall be Knauf Insulation Supafil Frame.

Trufill Insulation System is intended to be used in the cavities of framed walls, floors, skillion roofs and ceilings of truss and pitched roofs.

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Trufill Insulation System

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