TOPPS Aus & NZ Pty Ltd - TOPPS Application System
- Abbreviation
- CMNZ25013 version: 01
- Version
- 01
- Valid from
- 10/12/2024
- Information provider
- Ministry for Primary Industries,
- Author
- SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd
- Information type
- Product Certificate (CodeMark),
- Format
- PDF,
TOPPS Application System – is an applied waterproofing membrane system used over existing external metal, asbestos, Modified Bitumen Roofing System, and concrete roofs
The TOPPS Application System consists of:
- Topps Seal® - Protective 100% synthetic thermoplastic roof coating.
- Topps Seal® Base Coat – is an all-rubber, elastomeric foundation layer and the following products for substrate preparation:
- Polyprene® - is an all rubber, universal roof repair cement used for flashings, seams, pitch pans, cracks, splits and making various repairs on all roof types.
- Seam/RivetGuard – is applied to keep roof seams and fasteners sealed.
The product is to be designed and installed in accordance with
1. The TOPPS Application System is certified for use on buildings:
- a. located in any exposure zone (as defined in NZS3604:2011) except microclimates.
- b. applied to the following substrates:
- i. metal roofing;
- ii. Modified Bitumen Roofing Systems;
- iii. concrete;
- iv. asbestos roofing;
- c. where the finished fall is not less than 1:80 for roofs, podiums and decks and not less than 1:100 for gutters;
- d. where it is subject to maintenance access, and pedestrian traffic only (excludes vehicular traffic).
2. The TOPPS Application System shall:
- a. be installed in accordance with the relevant installation manuals in the referenced documents below, after:
- i. a site-specific design and assessment, including but not limited to, substrates, falls of surfaces and vertical upward termination heights, and
- ii. an assessment of the structural suitability of the substrate to which the membrane is to be applied by licensed building practitioner. (This certification is for the membrane only.)
- b. be installed in accordance with the relevant installation manual as noted in Referenced documents below.
- c. be installed by a licensed building practitioner (roofing), trained, accredited and certified by Topps Products Australia;
- d. not be installed if the temperature is within 5 degrees of the dew point;
- e. not be permanently covered.