Building compliance confidence - Build 202 (2024)
- Abbreviation
- Building compliance confidence - Build 202 (2024)
- Valid from
- 1/06/2024
- Information provider
- BRANZ Limited,
- Author
- Fiona Norten
- Information type
- BUILD article,
- Format
- Website, PDF,
Buildings stand on the foundations of the New Zealand Building Code. This primer looks at the Building Code and the pyramid that underlies it.
We interact with buildings every single day. We work in them, learn in them, eat and sleep and watch Netflix in them. And while we are working, learning and relaxing, we take it for granted that the building we are in will be up to the task it is designed for.
But how do we know that it is? Who chooses what standard to hold each building to, and what is the process for making sure our buildings are up to scratch?
In this article:
- What are we complying with?
- The Building Code
- Getting more practical
- Why demonstrate compliance?
- Acceptable Solutions
- Verification Methods
- Alternative Solutions
- Compliance matters