BU683 The rules for sleepouts that don’t need a building consent (2023)

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Information provider
BRANZ Limited,
Information type
BRANZ Bulletin,


This bulletin explains the rules that a sleepout must comply with to be built without needing a building consent.


The bulletin does not cover sleepouts with kitchen areas or bathrooms – sleepouts that include cooking or sanitary facilities need a building consent.

This bulletin does not give construction details for building a sleepout.

This Bulletin includes:

  1. Introduction
  2. Property ownership and property title
  3. Schedule 1 Building Consent Exemption for sleepouts
    • Conditions that apply to all exemptions
    • Sleepouts up to 10 m²
    • Sleepouts 10-30 m² built with lightwight materials
    • Kitset/prefab sleepouts 10-30 m² designed/reviewed by an engineer
    • Sleepouts 10-30 m² designed/supervised by an LBP
  4. Building Code and other Building Act requirements
  5. Local Authority requirements
    • Set-backs and recession plans
    • Site coverage, minimum permeable area and outdoor living space
    • Stormwater disposal
    • Hazards
  6. Other enquiries to make before starting design or construction
    • geographical zones
  7. Getting outside help
  8. More information
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BU683 The rules for sleepouts that don’t need a building consent (2023)

This document is not CITED BY any other resources:

BU683 The rules for sleepouts that don’t need a building consent (2023)


This bulletin explains the rules that a sleepout must comply with to be built without needing a building consent.

View on Information Provider website Download this resource (PDF, 1.1MB)
BU683 The rules for sleepouts that don’t need a building consent (2023)

This bulletin explains the rules that a sleepout must comply with to be built without needing a building consent.

View on Information Provider website Download this resource (PDF, 1.1MB)
This resource does not cite any other resources.

BU683 The rules for sleepouts that don’t need a building consent (2023)

This resource does not CITE any other resources.