BU662 Universal design for access into homes.

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BRANZ Limited,
Information type
BRANZ Bulletin,


A universal design approach to access into homes means ensuring the main route to and into the dwelling is accessible to all.

Steps and steep slopes along the route into a home can make it difficult for many people to enter and leave independently. Well-designed routes can make entering and leaving home easier and safer for most people.

This bulletin provides a range of universal design considerations for ensuring the routes to new and existing homes are accessible.


This Bulletin includes:

  • Introduction
  • General requirements for access routes
  • Designing accessible routes
    • Ramps
    • Landings
    • Transitions
    • Slip-resistant surfaces
    • Handrails
    • Edge rails and kerbs
  • Lighting
  • At the entrance
  • Alternatives to ramps
  • Adding accessible routes to new and existing dwellings
  • More information
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BU662 Universal design for access into homes.

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BU662 Universal design for access into homes.


A universal design approach to access into homes means ensuring the main route to and into the dwelling is accessible to all.

Steps and steep slopes along the route into a home can make it difficult for many people to enter and leave independently. Well-designed routes can make entering and leaving home easier and safer for most people.

This bulletin provides a range of universal design considerations for ensuring the routes to new and existing homes are accessible.

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BU662 Universal design for access into homes.

A universal design approach to access into homes means ensuring the main route to and into the dwelling is accessible to all.

Steps and steep slopes along the route into a home can make it difficult for many people to enter and leave independently. Well-designed routes can make entering and leaving home easier and safer for most people.

This bulletin provides a range of universal design considerations for ensuring the routes to new and existing homes are accessible.

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BU662 Universal design for access into homes.

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