BRANZ Research Now - Geothermal corrosion #3: Discolouration and deterioration of wood in geothermal environments

BRANZ Research Now - Geothermal corrosion #3
Version 2 - April 2021
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BRANZ Limited,
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Research report,


Wood and wood structures in geothermal areas can quickly discolour and deteriorate, particularly where the wood is treated with preservatives that contain copper.

Wood samples were included in a wider BRANZ field test of building materials in geothermal environments to study this effect and look for possible explanations.


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BRANZ Research Now - Geothermal corrosion #3: Discolouration and deterioration of wood in geothermal environments

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BRANZ Research Now - Geothermal corrosion #3: Discolouration and deterioration of wood in geothermal environments


Wood and wood structures in geothermal areas can quickly discolour and deteriorate, particularly where the wood is treated with preservatives that contain copper.

Wood samples were included in a wider BRANZ field test of building materials in geothermal environments to study this effect and look for possible explanations.


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BRANZ Research Now - Geothermal corrosion #3: Discolouration and deterioration of wood in geothermal environments

Wood and wood structures in geothermal areas can quickly discolour and deteriorate, particularly where the wood is treated with preservatives that contain copper.

Wood samples were included in a wider BRANZ field test of building materials in geothermal environments to study this effect and look for possible explanations.


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BRANZ Research Now - Geothermal corrosion #3: Discolouration and deterioration of wood in geothermal environments

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