ASSE 1050:1991 Performance requirements for air admittance valves for plumbing DWV systems stack type devices

ASSE 1050:1991
Valid from

Information provider
IHS Markit,
American Society of Sanitary Engineering
Information type
Other Standard,


Air Admittance Valves (AAV's) shall consist of a one-way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainage system when a negative pressure develops.  The device shall be closed by gravity under zero differential pressure (no flow condition) and seal under conditions of positive internal pressure.


This Standard establishes basic performance requirements and test procedures for stack AAVs used in plumbing drainage systems.

Note: AAVs for drain, waste, and vent stacks are designed to be installed on the top of stacks with six (6) branch intervals or less. Where these AAV's are installed, there must be at least one (1) vent which extends to the atmosphere outside the building serving the same drainage system.

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ASSE 1050:1991 Performance requirements for air admittance valves for plumbing DWV systems stack type devices

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ASSE 1050:1991 Performance requirements for air admittance valves for plumbing DWV systems stack type devices


Air Admittance Valves (AAV's) shall consist of a one-way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainage system when a negative pressure develops.  The device shall be closed by gravity under zero differential pressure (no flow condition) and seal under conditions of positive internal pressure.

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ASSE 1050:1991 Performance requirements for air admittance valves for plumbing DWV systems stack type devices

Air Admittance Valves (AAV's) shall consist of a one-way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainage system when a negative pressure develops.  The device shall be closed by gravity under zero differential pressure (no flow condition) and seal under conditions of positive internal pressure.

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ASSE 1050:1991 Performance requirements for air admittance valves for plumbing DWV systems stack type devices

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