AS/NZS 4645.2:2008 Gas distribution networks - Part 2: Steel pipe systems

AS/NZS 4645.2:2008
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Standards New Zealand,
Standards New Zealand, Standards Australia
Information type
New Zealand Standard,


To provide for the protection of the general public, gas distribution network operating personnel and the environment, and to ensure safe and reliable operation of gas distribution networks that reticulate gas to consumers.

It covers steel piping within gas distribution networks covered by AS/NZS 4645.1, where the maximum allowable operating pressures up to or equal to 1050 kPa and the hoop stress is less than or equal to 20% SMYS of the pipe.

Steel piping systems for gas outside these limits are generally covered by the AS 2885 suite of Standards and for some jurisdictions. AS/NZS 4645.1 provides for limited use up to 1965 kPa.


This Standard specifies materials, design, construction, installation, testing and maintenance requirements for steel piping systems and shall be used in conjunction with AS/NZS 4645.1, for the distribution of fuel gas suitable for domestic, commercial or industrial uses, where

  • (a) the pressure of the gas is not greater than 1050 kPa and the operating temperature range of the materials is from -30°C to 120°C; operating pressures above 1050 kPa are covered by AS 2885; and
  • (b) where the hoop stress level is not greater than 20% of the Specified Minimum Yield Stress (SMYS) of the pipe used in that system.

The requirements apply to the life cycle of new assets in new or existing systems, but the Sections on materials and components, welding, pressure testing and maintenance are suitable for application to existing assets in existing systems.

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AS/NZS 4645.2:2008 Gas distribution networks - Part 2: Steel pipe systems

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AS/NZS 4645.2:2008 Gas distribution networks - Part 2: Steel pipe systems


To provide for the protection of the general public, gas distribution network operating personnel and the environment, and to ensure safe and reliable operation of gas distribution networks that reticulate gas to consumers.

It covers steel piping within gas distribution networks covered by AS/NZS 4645.1, where the maximum allowable operating pressures up to or equal to 1050 kPa and the hoop stress is less than or equal to 20% SMYS of the pipe.

Steel piping systems for gas outside these limits are generally covered by the AS 2885 suite of Standards and for some jurisdictions. AS/NZS 4645.1 provides for limited use up to 1965 kPa.

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AS/NZS 4645.2:2008 Gas distribution networks - Part 2: Steel pipe systems

To provide for the protection of the general public, gas distribution network operating personnel and the environment, and to ensure safe and reliable operation of gas distribution networks that reticulate gas to consumers.

It covers steel piping within gas distribution networks covered by AS/NZS 4645.1, where the maximum allowable operating pressures up to or equal to 1050 kPa and the hoop stress is less than or equal to 20% SMYS of the pipe.

Steel piping systems for gas outside these limits are generally covered by the AS 2885 suite of Standards and for some jurisdictions. AS/NZS 4645.1 provides for limited use up to 1965 kPa.

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AS/NZS 4645.2:2008 Gas distribution networks - Part 2: Steel pipe systems

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