AS 1742.10-1990 Manual of uniform traffic control devices - Pedestrian control and protection

AS 1742.10-1990
Valid from

Information provider
Intertek Inform,
Standards Australia
Information type
Australian Standard,


This standard sets out requirements for traffic control devices to be used in the control and protection of pedestrian traffic on roads. It specifies the way in which these are used to achieve pedestrian control. Requirements are also given in appendices for the illumination and reflectorization of signs, for their installation and location, and for the selection of the appropriate sign size. Model instructions for adult supervisors and child monitors at children's crossings and guidance on pedestrian treatments at railway level crossings are also provided in appendices.

Details of pedestrian control at roadworks, on footways shared with bicycles and in Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) schemes are not included in this Standard. For these types of control, references should be made to AS 1742.3, AS 1742.9 and AS 1742.13 respectively.

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AS 1742.10-1990 Manual of uniform traffic control devices - Pedestrian control and protection

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AS 1742.10-1990 Manual of uniform traffic control devices - Pedestrian control and protection


This standard sets out requirements for traffic control devices to be used in the control and protection of pedestrian traffic on roads. It specifies the way in which these are used to achieve pedestrian control. Requirements are also given in appendices for the illumination and reflectorization of signs, for their installation and location, and for the selection of the appropriate sign size. Model instructions for adult supervisors and child monitors at children's crossings and guidance on pedestrian treatments at railway level crossings are also provided in appendices.

Details of pedestrian control at roadworks, on footways shared with bicycles and in Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) schemes are not included in this Standard. For these types of control, references should be made to AS 1742.3, AS 1742.9 and AS 1742.13 respectively.

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AS 1742.10-1990 Manual of uniform traffic control devices - Pedestrian control and protection

This standard sets out requirements for traffic control devices to be used in the control and protection of pedestrian traffic on roads. It specifies the way in which these are used to achieve pedestrian control. Requirements are also given in appendices for the illumination and reflectorization of signs, for their installation and location, and for the selection of the appropriate sign size. Model instructions for adult supervisors and child monitors at children's crossings and guidance on pedestrian treatments at railway level crossings are also provided in appendices.

Details of pedestrian control at roadworks, on footways shared with bicycles and in Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) schemes are not included in this Standard. For these types of control, references should be made to AS 1742.3, AS 1742.9 and AS 1742.13 respectively.

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AS 1742.10-1990 Manual of uniform traffic control devices - Pedestrian control and protection

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