Two Storey Brick Veneer System
- Abbreviation
- Appraisal number 690 (2022)
- Amendment
- 30/09/2024
- Valid from
- 24/11/2022
- Information provider
- BRANZ Limited,
- Information type
- BRANZ Appraisal,
- Format
- PDF,
The Two Storey Brick Veneer System is a clay brick veneer cladding system specifically for use on two-storey buildings.
The clay brick manufacturers whose bricks are covered by this Appraisal are as follows.
- Brickworks NZ
- Canterbury Clay Bricks
- Clay Bricks Ltd
- Brick and Stone Imports T/A Midland Brick NZ
- CSR Building Products
Full contact details are given on page 10.
1. The Two Storey Brick Veneer System has been appraised for use as a veneer cladding system for buildings within the following scope:
- the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 Paragraph 1.1 in terms of floor area, and with a maximum of two stories; and,
- with a maximum height of brick veneer of 7.5 m above the supporting foundation, except that at gable ends and some piers this height may be up to 10 m, and a maximum height of 4 m above a roof line; and,
- with a depth of cavity of between 40 mm and 60 mm; and,
- with a risk score of 0-20, calculated in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Table 2; and,
- with timber framing constructed on slab-on-ground in accordance with NZS 3604 and/or concrete masonry foundation constructed in accordance with NZS 4229; and,
- situated in NZS 3604 Wind Zones up to and including Very High.
2. The Two Storey Brick Veneer System is appraised for use with aluminium window and door joinery that is installed with vertical jambs and horizontal heads and sills. (The Appraisal of the Two Storey Brick Veneer System relies on the joinery meeting the requirements of NZS 4211 for the relevant Wind Zone.)
(Note: The Two Storey Brick Veneer System can be used to provide fire resistance rated construction, but this aspect has not been assessed and is outside the scope of this Appraisal.)