James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers

Appraisal number 611 (2020)
Valid from

Information provider
BRANZ Limited,
Information type
BRANZ Appraisal,


James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers are a range of rigid wall underlay materials including RABTM Board and HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding. They are sealed fibre cement sheets designed for use as rigid wall underlay behind wall cladding systems. HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding and RABTM Board are manufactured using a medium density fibre cement formulation.


HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding has been appraised for use as a rigid wall underlay and temporary weather-protecting sheathing on timber framed buildings within the following scope:

  • the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 with regards to building height and floor plan area; and,
  • with absorbent wall claddings directly fixed to framing; and,
  • with non-absorbent wall claddings directly fixed to framing with a flexible wall underlay over the HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding; and,
  • with absorbent and non-absorbent wall claddings installed over a nominal 20 mm drained cavity; and,
  • with masonry veneer in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1; and,
  • situated in NZS 3604 Wind Zones up to, and including Very High.

RABTM Board has been appraised for use as a rigid wall underlay and temporary weather-protecting sheathing on timber framed buildings within the following scope:

  • the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 with regards to building height and floor plan area; and,
  • constructed with timber framing, or timber frame infill complying with the NZBC; and,
  • with absorbent wall claddings directly fixed to framing; and,
  • with non-absorbent wall claddings directly fixed to framing with a flexible wall underlay over the RABTM Board; and,
  • with absorbent and non-absorbent wall claddings installed over a nominal 20 mm drained cavity; and,
  • with masonry veneer in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1; and,
  • when used in conjunction with wall cladding systems subjected to maximum wind pressures for structural and weathertightness design of 1 kPa Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and 1.5 kPa Ultimate Limit State (ULS) where studs are at maximum 600mm centres, and 3 kPa SLS and 4.5 kPa ULS where studs are at maximum 400mm centres.

Note: James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers can be used to provide structural bracing. RABTM Board can also be used in fire resistance rated construction. These aspects have not been assessed by this Appraisal and are outside its scope.

RABTM Board has also been appraised for use as a rigid wall underlay and temporary weather-protecting sheathing on timber framed buildings within the following scope:

  • Buildings with a building height not exceeding 25 m; and,
  • constructed with timber framing complying with the NZBC; and,
  • with inter-storey deflections designed for up to height/180 of horizontal in-plane movement during seismic SLS events (based on a 3 m inter-storey height); and,
  • with absorbent and non-absorbent wall claddings installed over a numinal 20 mm drained cavity; and,
  • when used in conjunction with either James Hardie or other cladding systems suitable for use with maximum wind pressures for structural and weathertightness design of 1 kPa Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and 1.5 kPa Ultimate Limit State (ULS) where studs ar at maximum 600 mm centres, and 3 kPa SLS and 4.5 kPa ULS where studs are at maximum 400 mm centres. 
For assistance with locating previous versions, please contact the information provider.

This Appraisal replaces BRANZ Appraisal No. 611 (2011).

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For assistance with locating previous versions, please contact the information provider.

This Appraisal replaces BRANZ Appraisal No. 611 (2011).

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James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers

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James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers


James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers are a range of rigid wall underlay materials including RABTM Board and HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding. They are sealed fibre cement sheets designed for use as rigid wall underlay behind wall cladding systems. HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding and RABTM Board are manufactured using a medium density fibre cement formulation.

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James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers

James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers are a range of rigid wall underlay materials including RABTM Board and HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding. They are sealed fibre cement sheets designed for use as rigid wall underlay behind wall cladding systems. HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding and RABTM Board are manufactured using a medium density fibre cement formulation.

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James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers

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