Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System

Appraisal number 1219 (2023)
Valid from

Information provider
BRANZ Limited,
Information type
BRANZ Appraisal,


The Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System is an autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) flooring panel system for use on suspended timber and steel-framed floors of domestic, residential and light commercial buildings.


1. The Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System is appraised for use as a flooring panel system on suspended timber and steel-framed floors of buildings within the following scope:

  • where the supporting structure is subject to specific engineering design (SED); and,
  • where the floor loads do not exceed those specified in AS/NZS 1170.1, Table 3.1, category A2, up to and including 3 kPa and a 2.7 kN concentrated live load.

2. Building designers are responsible for the building design and for the incorporation of the Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System into their design, in accordance with the declared properties and the instructions of Resene Construction Systems.

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Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System

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Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System


The Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System is an autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) flooring panel system for use on suspended timber and steel-framed floors of domestic, residential and light commercial buildings.

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Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System

The Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System is an autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) flooring panel system for use on suspended timber and steel-framed floors of domestic, residential and light commercial buildings.

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Integra Lightweight Concrete Flooring System

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