QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System

Appraisal number 1218 (2022)
Valid from

Information provider
BRANZ Limited,
Information type
BRANZ Appraisal,


The QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System incorporates 3D printed concrete panels that are used as wall components for buildings subject to specific engineering design.

The panels are printed to form two outer faces with webs in between. This provides a hollow core that allows the placement of reinforcing and infill concrete.

Panels are fixed to concrete floors through typical steel reinforced connections. A concrete bond beam is placed around the top of the panels to lock them together at this level.

Buildings of more than one storey are possible using the QOROX 3D Printed Concrete Wall System.


1. Buildings constructed using the QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System must be subject to specific engineering design in accordance with NZS 4229, NZS 4230 or NZS 3101 as appropriate.

2. The QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System has been appraised as external and internal walls for buildings with external weathertightness detailing in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS3.

3. The QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System has been appraised for use with window and door joinery that is installed with vertical jambs and horizontal heads and sills. (Note: The Appraisal of the QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System relies on the joinery meeting the requirements of NZS 4211, or being BRANZ Appraised, for the relevant Wind Zone or design wind pressure.)

4. The foundation, floor, roof, waterproofing membranes, weatherproof coatings and insulation are not covered by this Appraisal.

5. The use of the QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System is not suitable where the QOROX™ mortar will be exposed to temperatures of greater than 60°C for long periods in service.

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QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System

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QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System


The QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System incorporates 3D printed concrete panels that are used as wall components for buildings subject to specific engineering design.

The panels are printed to form two outer faces with webs in between. This provides a hollow core that allows the placement of reinforcing and infill concrete.

Panels are fixed to concrete floors through typical steel reinforced connections. A concrete bond beam is placed around the top of the panels to lock them together at this level.

Buildings of more than one storey are possible using the QOROX 3D Printed Concrete Wall System.

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QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System

The QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System incorporates 3D printed concrete panels that are used as wall components for buildings subject to specific engineering design.

The panels are printed to form two outer faces with webs in between. This provides a hollow core that allows the placement of reinforcing and infill concrete.

Panels are fixed to concrete floors through typical steel reinforced connections. A concrete bond beam is placed around the top of the panels to lock them together at this level.

Buildings of more than one storey are possible using the QOROX 3D Printed Concrete Wall System.

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QOROX™ 3D Printed Concrete Wall System

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