Delfast Nails

Appraisal number 1154 (2021)
Valid from

Information provider
BRANZ Limited,
Information type
BRANZ Appraisal,


Delfast Nails covered by this Appraisal include hot-dip galvanised nails and bright steel nails.

Delfast Nails are available in collated format in a range of sizes and are designed for use with manual fixing and nail gun fixing.


This Appraisal covers the material durability performance of the Delfast Nails specified in Table 1, when used in timbers with different treatments, treated in accordance with NZS 3640 and used in accordance with NZS 3602, to comply with the New Zealand Building Code durability requirements.

Timber treatments assessed include copper chrome arsenate (CCA) and light organic solvent preservative (LOSP).

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Delfast Nails

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Delfast Nails


Delfast Nails covered by this Appraisal include hot-dip galvanised nails and bright steel nails.

Delfast Nails are available in collated format in a range of sizes and are designed for use with manual fixing and nail gun fixing.

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Delfast Nails

Delfast Nails covered by this Appraisal include hot-dip galvanised nails and bright steel nails.

Delfast Nails are available in collated format in a range of sizes and are designed for use with manual fixing and nail gun fixing.

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Delfast Nails

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