Compliance for H1 5th edition design - Build 191 (2022)

Compliance for H1 5th edition design
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Information provider
BRANZ Limited
Bruce Sedcole
Information type
BUILD article
Website, PDF


The BRANZ helpline has received many calls asking how to approach designing new houses that are compliant with the higher thermal requirements of New Zealand Building Code clause H1 Energy efficiency 5th edition. The first step is to look further than just the schedule method.

In 2021, MBIE consulted the public and the construction industry on changes to Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 to increase the minimum requirements for insulation in new homes and buildings. These are used to demonstrate compliance with clause H1 of the New Zealand Building Code.

The changes are the first steps of the major transformation to a more-sustainable low-carbon construction industry.


The article includes:

  • Currently in transition period
  • Changes needed but there are solutions
  • Schedule method likely to be used less
  • Calculation method gives flexibility
    • Comparison with reference building
    • Offset insulation in other areas
  • Modelling method most comprehensive
    • Modelling energy use of building
    • Modelling software options
    • Detailed analysis provides benefits
  • Methods enable detailed design tailoring
  • Tools and resources
  • Where to start?
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Compliance for H1 5th edition design - Build 191 (2022)

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Compliance for H1 5th edition design - Build 191 (2022)


The BRANZ helpline has received many calls asking how to approach designing new houses that are compliant with the higher thermal requirements of New Zealand Building Code clause H1 Energy efficiency 5th edition. The first step is to look further than just the schedule method.

In 2021, MBIE consulted the public and the construction industry on changes to Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 to increase the minimum requirements for insulation in new homes and buildings. These are used to demonstrate compliance with clause H1 of the New Zealand Building Code.

The changes are the first steps of the major transformation to a more-sustainable low-carbon construction industry.

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Compliance for H1 5th edition design - Build 191 (2022)

The BRANZ helpline has received many calls asking how to approach designing new houses that are compliant with the higher thermal requirements of New Zealand Building Code clause H1 Energy efficiency 5th edition. The first step is to look further than just the schedule method.

In 2021, MBIE consulted the public and the construction industry on changes to Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 and Verification Method H1/VM1 to increase the minimum requirements for insulation in new homes and buildings. These are used to demonstrate compliance with clause H1 of the New Zealand Building Code.

The changes are the first steps of the major transformation to a more-sustainable low-carbon construction industry.

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Compliance for H1 5th edition design - Build 191 (2022)

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